And Don't Forget...
I guess I'll take one last opportunity to remind everyone who finds their way here that I've moved my online home over to Tell your friends, your readers, random people you meet on the street. Dammit, do my bidding!
Poker Letter
If you're looking for info on deposit bonuses, freerolls and poker room reviews I invite you to check out
Poker Letter, which contains info on those subjects as well as a blog and articles about poker.
Remember, I Moved!
Yes, I knew I said I wouldn't be posting here anymore, but since when is my word good? Actually this is just a reminder that I've moved my blog over to, and that my new site is absolutely fabulous and you will just love it. So I hope you'll check it out, link to it, pimp it, tell your friends about it...just do my bidding, OK!